Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pictures and Pictures :)

Poor, poor neglected blog.  Something about working full time and having 3 little ones has kept us busy lately, and I've slacked at the blog....I like to think I'll get back into a more regular routine with it...but for now - picture overload from the past few months.

When I think I'm going to have a Brooke photo shoot but brother decides to serenade her instead. 

When we first brought this toy home her little toes didn't touch the ground....now those feet plant firmly on the ground and she's running around like a marathon runner in this thing....how quickly she grows!!!!!

The sibling love is so sweet...love watching the little ones together!

Brianne reading to Brooke.  Priceless.  Brooke was cracking up...i have it on video and it's about the most adorable thing ever!

OOOPS!  Every time this silly turkey dresses wrong, Brianne would exclaim "OOOPS" and Brooke would crack up.

Breakfast typically consists of oatmeal and this little girl likes to help.

Sometimes you find your little guy eating his yogurt and wearing a firefighter hat....love.

And sometimes you find your 4 year old working independently to build a lego snowmobile....and it makes you want to hug him and tell him how proud you are...while you wipe away tears because you can't believe how big he is....bittersweet!

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