Wednesday, April 3, 2013

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day

March 21st, (3/21) = World Down Syndrome Day.  The date of 3/21 is significant because individuals with Down syndrome have 3 copies of the 21st chromosome, while 'typical' individuals have just 2 copies....all that to say my little girl really is made with extra goodness!

The Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas hosted a fantastic party at Cooper's BBQ in the Stockyards to celebrate the day!  Yummy food, a super fun photo booth with props, music, dancing (was there ever dancing!!), and fantastic people!  I am truly thrilled to have met so many wonderful people since we began this journey!  

Spring Photo Shoot 
Suzie and I ventured to Portrait Innovations with the kids in an attempt to capture the dynamic duo smiling simultaneously - that is no small feat!  The best we could do was the picture below....which was accomplished after Suzie had the kids play 'Ring-Around-the-Rosie' and this picture was snapped after we all FELL DOWN!

While waiting for our turn, a little girl, who I would guess was about 7 years old, was chattering away with us.  She was watching Brianne intently and started to ask, "Is she............" and then hesitated.   The gears in my head started turning as I was wondering what this little girl might ask about Down syndrome or why Brianne looks a little different from other kids and I was hoping I'd be able to come up with some response that let this girl know that it's okay that Brianne is different and to portray her as a capable little girl that is truly more alike than different....all that was racing thru my mind and I was just hoping I would have an intelligent response....and then the girl finishes her thought with "Is she.......Cinderella?".  I couldn't stop myself from giggling and smiling - Brianne sure did look like a little Cinderella princess in her sparkly blue dress!  I know the day is coming when I have to field questions from a curious little kid....(or reply to an offensive comment from some ignorant adult) or deal with 'mean' kids being cruel......but for now - I am thrilled that I was able to smile that this girl at the photo studio thought
Brianne was Cinderella.
My Little Cinderella Princess

Happy Spring!

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